Oia, Santorini

Oia, Santorini

Monday, June 23, 2014

Santorini Trip, Days 1+2

Didnt get a chance to post yesterday, and today was an absolute whirlwind. Yesterday we arrived by boat, after getting up at 5:30 am and catching a bus to the port at 6. Our high speed boat got us to the island in 4-5 hours and we were wandering the town by midday. Our hotel is gorgeous with a sea view, and 3 minutes walking from the town square. Most of the day was free time and at night we got the group together for another wonderful meal. The biggest challenge of the day was deciding how to spend our precious time here. Everything is so new and exciting that the language difficulties rarely crossed my mind. The island is also very touristy, so there is just as many English speakers as Greek, or at least it feels that way. So far the language barrier feels more like a language speed bump.

Today, the fun continued with an all day trip to the different islands around Santorini via boat. We hiked up on top of a mountain of lava rocks, swam 40 meters from the boat into geothermal hot springs, and spent the evening at a neighboring port for dinner and the gorgeous sunset. Now looking back on the day, which lasted a solid 12 hours (10am-10pm) it is a struggle to find a moment of difficulty. The food is fantastic, the people are friendly, the sights are breathtaking,  and our group is bonding easily. The hardest part will be leaving this piece of heaven and facing harsher realities back in Athens. But for now, Nick the Greek is enjoying the ride and soaking up every adventure that comes my way!

Belated fun fact: Santorini has been home to excellent wine for hundreds of years, and the vino is a beautiful experience by itself!


  1. Sounds like you're soaking it all in and enjoying the adventure......love and miss you!!

  2. Enjoy! You deserved this trip just relax and go for the ride.
